Zwei französische Fallschirmspringer sind im Rahmen einer Aktion des Brauseherstellers Red Bull von einem Berg gesprungen. 8:23. Experience the thrill of human flight with Red Bull Wingsuit Aces! Highest Wingsuit …

Trailing sparks between their wingsuits, the Red Bull Air Force swept into Los Angeles from above on Thursday (March 20) to celebrate the third and final supermoon of … Loading... Save. 2:44. Wingsuit : Le Red Bull Air Force en Afrique du Sud ! GoPro: Wingsuit Flight Through 2 Meter Cave - Uli Emanuele by GoPro. 2 min A Door in the Sky The sport of wingsuit flying has been taken to the next level by Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet , two BASE-jumping experts from France known as the Soul Flyers. Popular Videos - Wingsuit Flying Wingsuit Flying - Topic; 200 videos; 136,152 views; Updated yesterday; Play all Share. Wingsuit flying is the sport of flying through the air using a wingsuit which adds surface area to the human body to enable a significant increase in lift. We've become used to daredevil stunts from that crazed microcosm of society known as wingsuit flyers.

With just his wingsuit and hiking poles, he climbs to his exit point and realizes there is no turning back. HD wallpapers and background images Red Bull Air Force in Villars ... Chile. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in. Wingsuit Flying Formation in "The Crack" | Miles Above 3.0 by Red Bull. The modern wingsuit, first developed in the late 1990s, creates a surface area with fabric between the legs and under the arms. 4:37. Download Red Bull Wingsuit Aces apk 101 for Android. 14 minutes. 6 July 2017 Verrückte Aktionen mit Wingsuits gibt es immer mal wieder.

Wingsuit Flying. Wingsuit flying (or wingsuiting) is the sport of flying through the air using a wingsuit which adds surface area to the human body to enable a significant increase in lift.The modern wingsuit, first developed in the late 1990s, creates a surface area with fabric between the legs and under the arms. Captain Nemo 6,723,935 views. Just how much Red Bull do you need to contemplate this? Mit immer extremeren Sport-Videoclips wirbt der österreichische Konzern Red Bull für sich und seine Limonade. Provare l'emozione del volo umano con la Red Bull Wingsuit Aces! Doch das ist natürlich nicht der eigentliche Stunt, denn Wingsuit Flüge von Bergen sind ja längst keine Seltenheit mehr.

Blog; Videos; Bad Birds; Rigging. Download Red Bull Wingsuit Aces apk 101 for Android.

„roter Stier“) ist ein Energydrink des österreichischen Unternehmens Red Bull GmbH. Doch die PR-Strategie ist umstritten - denn die Zahl der tödlich Verunglückten steigt. French wingsuit flyers Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet of … Red Bull (engl. Jetman, Mission Dubaï : l'exploit de Vince Reffet. Ride along on a stunning wingsuit flight in Switzerland. Experience the thrill of human flight with Red Bull Wingsuit Aces!

Red Bull is known for pushing extreme stunts, but its latest endeavor has pushed yet another limit. Die beiden Wingsuit …

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