Présentation. Ces derniers se rebellent mais sont massacrés. Results are encouraging.Weyland Corp opens several new offices across the globe expanding corporate presence to Greece, Antarctica, El Salvador, and South Africa to name a few.Weyland Corp launches the Explorers Academy—an alternative grad school for underprivileged college students interested in the fields of biotech, nanotech, cybernetics and terraforming. La 3ème GM se termine. À l'origine, il y a deux films de science-fiction.Charles Weyland découvre un signal étrange émanant d'une pyramide au cœur de l'Antarctique. Ripley, elle aussi, est infestée (par une Reine) et découvre que la compagnie cherche à s'approprier cette future reine Alien pour ses recherches. Sommaire : Avant Alien et Prometheus [2050 - 2083] P rometheus et Avant Alien [2088 - 2108] A vant Alien [2111 - 2121] ... (Space Jockeys), race très ancienne et implantée dans de nombreux mondes de la galaxie, découvrent ou créent les Aliens. Le Predator ayant en réalité été infecté par un Facehugger dans la pyramide, un Chestbuster éclot (c'est donc un Alien issu d'un Predator, le,Sur sa planète d'origine, un Predator voit le journal de bord du vaisseau attaqué par le Predalien et décide de venir sur Terre afin d'en faire un trophée de chasse. Ripley survivra et s'enfuira avec Newt (l'enfant survivant d'Hadley's Hope), Hicks (le seul survivant des marines) et Bishop (l'androïde à l'effigie de Charles Bishop Weyland et.Le Sulaco est détruit et les survivants sont évacués par capsule EEV. Elle apprend du coup la colonisation de la planète sur laquelle elle a découvert le Facehugger et fait part des dangers que court la colonie. Ripley kills the resulting alien, then dies by suicide by jumping into a furnace.This content is imported from YouTube. -- eliminating the need for spotters and mathematical formulas.Weyland acquires Genentech, significantly bolstering the company's biotech holdings.Weyland privatizes NASA's famous Kepler mission, increases its funding 10-fold and within the year discovers 6,546 more bio-compatible planets.Weyland makes significant adjustments to the.Weyland Corp becomes first company in history to achieve a market capitalization of $100 billion in five years.Weyland Corp earns patent number 11,280,599 for Method and Apparatus for a device that enhances the capacity of an extraterrestrial planetary environment to support life; effectively the first fully-automated atmospheric processor. A Predator Vs a team of commandos in a Central American jungle...The Predator returns to Earth, this time to stake a claim on the war-torn streets of a dystopian Los Angeles.A few years later, a Predator tackles a cop in L.A.During an archaeological expedition on Bouvetøya Island in Antarctica, a team of archaeologists and other scientists find themselves caught up in a battle between the two legends. Top graduates of the program are offered positions at Weyland Corp.Fortune 500 names Weyland Corp number one on their list of "10 best companies to work for".Weyland astronomers note an area of space appearing very rich in minerals and other natural resources. The aliens sell the human colonists a hyperdrive manual. Les chirurgiens arrivent à extraire l'embryon Alien de son organisme. It is the first HES able to accurately recreate the aesthetic, mood and sounds of any place in the known world, as well as provide live video feed from any calibrated receiver.Weyland manufactures the first advanced android prototype model of its kind. The results are inconclusive. Les passagers sont réveillés et doivent débarquer sur LV-426 (dans le système de.Weyland-Yutani ferme le centre de détention Fury161 de la planète minière Fiorina 16. The moon that the Nostromo visited has been colonized, but contact is lost. L'île de Macross est déclarée zone neutre par l'ONU. Seuls un mercenaire et une sniper survivront après avoir tué tous les Predators qui participaient à cette chasse.Les humains commencent à coloniser l'espace. Le Predator ayant en réalité été infecté par un FaceHugger dans la pyramide, un Chestbuster éclot (c'est donc un Alien issu d'un Predator et non d'un humain, le ".Sur sa planète d'origine, un Predator voit le journal de bord du vaisseau attaqué par le Predalien et décide de venir sur Terre afin d'en faire un trophée de chasse. Les Aliens étant trop nombreux et trop puissants, le gouvernement décide d'atomiser la ville (incluant le Predator, le Predalien, et tous les Aliens).Un groupe de militaires, mercenaires et tueurs les plus dangereux de la Terre se retrouvent sur une planète extraterrestre pour une chasse rituelle organisée par des Predators. This patent is expected to make our founder’s famous boast a reality: “There are other worlds than this one, and if there is no air to breathe, we will simply have to make it.”,Weyland Industries earns patent number 12,004,556 for Method and Apparatus for a device that can initiate, monitor and terminate.Weyland Industries introduces the first FTL-capable SEV (space exploration vehicle).Weyland Industries launches the Explorers Academy—an alternative grad school for underprivileged college students interested in the fields of biotech, nanotech, cybernetics and terraforming. Sur le point de mourir, Adolini fait don de son pistolet au Predator.Les Predators découvrent la planète LV-1201, où les Space Jockey ont implanté des Aliens. A fire starts somehow and the humans' life pod ejects, landing near a penal colony on Fiorina 161. Using genetically-altered cells as well as elements found beyond Earth’s heavens, Weyland successfully deploys an effective cure for almost all cancers.In a now legendary TED Talk, Sir Peter Weyland clarifies his vision for Weyland Corp, laying the groundwork for the next 50 years of "building better worlds".Weyland Corp earns patent number 8,128,899 for Method and Apparatus for cybernetic individuals for use in scientific and industrial environments.Weyland military engineers make first significant improvement to rifling technology since the 19th century, tripling speed and doubling accuracy of projectiles. 57 years after the events seen in 'Alien', in approximately 2179. Elizabeth Shaw repairs David on an abandoned Engineer vessel as they continue their search for humanity's creators.Epilogue to Prometheus/Prologue to Covenant.The main crew of the Covenant and their android Walter enjoy a final meal before cryosleep on their way to a remote planet.The crew of a colony ship, bound for a remote planet, discover an uncharted paradise with a threat beyond their imagination, and must attempt a harrowing escape.After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.Approximately set in 2122, 30 years after 'Prometheus'.Ellen Ripley is rescued by a deep salvage team after being in hypersleep for 57 years. 2. Human acceptance of David 7 reaches an all-time high thanks to Weyland’s highly classified emotional encoding technology, David 7 can accurately replicate most human emotions down to the tiniest nuance while consistently achieving all mission objectives.Weyland Corp becomes Worldwide Olympic Partner and official "Cybernetics Company" of the Olympic movement through 2091.Weyland Corp earns patent number 18,364,003 for Method and Apparatus for the Synapse Reestablisher, a device able to temporarily restart brain activity of deceased individuals.Weyland Corp consolidates all products and solutions into seven verticals: health, transportation, energy, electronics, terraforming, security and cybernetics.Based on recent classified findings by Weyland researchers, the company determines the exact coordinates of a new destination for long-time pet project:The National Security Act of 2101 establishes the United States Colonial Marine Corps structure as is known, with a strength of roughly 165,000 marines.Dr. Only Ripley and one other facehugger survive. The expedition is led by Charles Bishop Weyland, a co-founder of the Weyland Yutani Corporation (this is "the company" referred to in the later Alien movies). Predator: Requiem (2007) A Predator drone ship places Alien eggs onto the planet Alpha Centauri 3, which … They discover that Aliens have overrun the colony and encounter an Alien queen. It is his 12th registered patent to date.Eight individuals are abducted from earth, dropped on.Following Weyland's success with solar panels, Weyland Corp receives funding from a trio of major venture capital firms.Using a precursor to the atmospheric processor of his own invention, Peter Weyland is able to generate a localized synthetic atmosphere above the polar ice cap, effectively ending global warming.At the age of 26, Sir Peter Weyland becomes one of the youngest people to ever achieve knighthood.Sir Peter Weyland is honored with the Nobel Prize in Science for his extraordinary atmospheric work over the polar ice cap.Using capital from his 2015 success, Weyland acquires copyrights to technology developed by NASA's innovative but poorly funded,A Predator spaceship crashes in Mexico, and while.Scientists from the Health Division identify the genetic chain of events for 98% of cancers. Un vaisseau pirate, le Betty, débarque sur l'USM Auriga pour y livrer une marchandise humaine qui servira à l'incubation pour la création et l'étude des Aliens.Des archéologues "Elisabeth Shaw" et son compagnon "Charlie Holloway" découvrent une peinture préhistorique en Écosse, représentant un humanoïde désignant six étoiles, peinture quasi-identique à des représentations picturales découvertes chez d'autres civilisations du monde.Une expédition scientifique est organisée par la société Weyland, qui envoie dix-sept membres à bord d'un vaisseau nommé Prometheus, jusqu'à une lune lointaine appelée LV-223, censée être l'endroit indiqué sur les peintures.AO-3959X.91 - 15_ (Liquide Noir). Prisoners from Earth and other facilities are successfully relocated, and many have since been rehabilitated into society.Weyland Corp writes $5 billion check to Little Explorers—a charity dedicated to the education of troubled middle school students interested in science and technology.Weyland Corp makes essential updates to on-planet transport. Ripley 8 a des facultés inhumaines, héritées de l'Alien. He is eventually expected to improve work-flow and efficiency at offices and homes across the world.Weyland Corp awarded government contract to build and maintain HD 85512 b Class E Correctional Unit. Il constitue une équipe archéologique faite de scientifiques, spécialistes de la glace et de.Il s'avère que ce signal est un piège des Predators qui cherchent du gibier pour les Facehuggers afin de commencer une nouvelle chasse à l'Alien. His daughter Lex Woods begins working on 'The Ice' (Arctic/ Antarctic environments. Dates indéterminées. La prison est définitivement fermée et Morse, le seul survivant commence à rédiger ses mémoires pour raconter ce qui lui est arrivé.Suite au déclin de l'industrie des Synthétiques, une nouvelle génération d'êtres artificiels est créée : les Autons, des êtres artificiels créés par des êtres artificiels. Apparatus mines surrounding air for flammable compounds, making it ultra light-weight as well as self-replenishing.Weyland Corp introduces revolutionary, game-changing language tool. Richard Post serves as Chief Statistician to the Electronics Division.Weyland Corp introduces the first FTL-capable SEV (space exploration vehicle).The National Science Foundation (NSF) lifts restrictions on the commercial use of David androids.After android regulations are lifted, the third generation David is deployed internally in order to test human acceptance of cybernetics individuals.